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<h1>How I first started loving this sport</h1>
<p> I started to love football when my dad introduced me to the sport. I was quite the energetic kid when I was a little toddler and my dad wanted to get me into a new sport so we
      went out to the park and he tuaght me how to kick the ball.</p>
<h2>Getting into a team</h2>
<p> The first team I was in was a team in Germany. I forgot the name of the club, but I do remember the fun memories I had there.</p>
<h3>The park I used to always play in</h3>
<p> There was a park that I always used to play football in with my dad. It was so memorable and it brought back so many memories because the field was so big and the trees there
      were so tall. I loved playing there mainly due to the smell. The smell of the rasin on trees was so good.</p>
<h4>Moving to Korea</h4>
<p> I moved to Korea in the summer of 2018. That didn't stop me from playing football, though. I did 1-on-1 training with a teacher for a little bit and later I joined a club.
      However, things weren't going well at that club so I decided to leave. </p>
<h5>Transferring to a new club</h5>
<p> The club I moved to had a lot of good players, far better than me. I didn't settle there well at first, but I improved a lot playing with people better than me. I even got to
      start a few matches in the Weekend League. However, time was short because I had to move to a new U-15 club in the Winter of 2022. </p>
<h6>Where I am now</h5>
<p> I'm now at a middle school football team and I'm doing great. I love this sport and I will never give up on playing and watching it. </p>